Wednesday, 21 February 2018

Hillary Clinton was over confidence like in Pakistan 2013 ELECTION ,Trump was able to pull in former Obama voters

People was not expected  Donald Trump won the election ,Hillary Clinton was over confidence like in Pakistan 2013 ELECTION ,Trump was able to pull in former Obama voters IT WAS MAIN QUESTION STILL NO ONE GIVE ,  hundard Trump,usa election ,football, pakistan
percent answer about So who are these former Obama voters who voted for Trump in 2016, and what caused them to switch?FBI also favour Trump re-opening the investigation as well as Obama for not stopping the investigation as to why she lost.
     Donald Trump has defied all expectations from the very start of his presidential campaign more than a year ago, like in Pakistan un employment main factor if it use by any one he win the election Trump calculate that rural people think no one listen them so  Rural voters turned out in high numbers, as the Americans who felt overlooked by the establishment and left behind by the coastal elite made their voices heard.
  luck play big role ok hard work knowledge work but luck if in your side game is over see in foot ball match some time ball hit the poll bar ,some time miss by  friction lot of reason to define luck but fact is  Maybe Mr Trump’s personality and appeal was so strong, the scandals just bounced off. Whatever the reason, he was bulletproof.GOOD luck President

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