Saturday, 3 February 2018

Ms. Fatima Jinnah was corrupt??? Ch Talha PML (N) ‏ @TalhaRazzaq11 21h21 hours ago

The establishment should be made to establish martial law, but it justifies itself. Which politicians were corrupted when they first got Marshall? Was Mr. Fatima Jinnah corrupt?
Translated from Urdu by 
There is no justification for applying the marshla establishment should develop themselves justify, but بہیں. When was the first marshal which at that time were corrupt politicians???? What Ms. Fatima Jinnah was corrupt???
مارشلا لگانے کے لیے اسٹیبلشمنٹ کو کوئی جواز بہیں چاہیے بلکہ یہ جواز خود پیدا کر لیتے ہیں۔ جب پہلا مارشلا لگا اس وقت کونسے سیاستدان کرپٹ تھے؟؟؟؟ کیا محترمہ فاطمہ جناح کرپٹ تھی؟؟؟
What Ms. Fatima Jinnah was corrupt???

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